Our Rules
- Advanced booking is greatly appreciated and highly recommended.
- When you call please be polite and we'll reciprocate.
- Always be polite and kind to the escort.
Please respect our rates. Payment should be made as soon as the companion arrive. The agreed donation can be place to visible view ( or in an envelope ) and left for courtesan to see upon arrival. Tips are not required but always appreciated.
This is of primary importance to most people. Have a shower before the appointment. Clean clothes and fresh breath go a very long way.
All information used only for to arrange date and for our safety and proof meeting. Mutual discretion is required. We prides itself on maintaining the strict confidentiality of clients. We expect the same respect from you in return.
No video or audio recording devices of any kind may be used. We respect your privacy and take it very seriously. We demand the same in return.
Special service with recording must be agreed with model before the meeting.
Escort services in general offer a variety of companionship.The women who work an escort are just like women engaged in any other occupation; therefore the same respect is expected. If you have never tried calling upon an escort companion before, you’ll find that the experience is probably quite different from what you’ve been led to think it is, so read on if this your first time.
Calling our "fun" means you are dealing with companions just like any other service agency or independent. You call and arrange for companionship and the female escort arrives at your private apartment, hotel room or other arranged location. You get the advantage of not having to go anywhere and of being in your own space where you are most comfortable.
Cancellation of an out call appointment will incur a fee equivalent to girl’s travel expenses. Please if you make date and want to cancel do it as soon as possible. Thanks
If you are using an escort service from a long time you might have had highs and lows and you know what best suits you. Some people prefer teenage escorts; some prefer to meet in their mid-late twenties or even thirties for guaranteed satisfaction. Some people might not like a certain type of escort and therefore not enjoy the appointment whereas others might want to stay hours with the same escort: you have to know what you really want! Also, make sure that you know what kind of service you want to receive and specify this when speaking with. We always appreciate a feedback, be it good or bad.
We recommend that you prepare for your female escort’s arrival the same way you would for a date. Please make sure that you are clean, have good general hygiene and presentable, this of course will enhance your experience with the lady. Female escorts are like any other women, the happier you make them, the happier they make you. Many men have found that female escorts are some of the finest and most interesting women you’ll ever meet. If you take the time to get to know the lady often she will offer you good conversation and companionship.
- 10.ENJOY.
Now that you have read the escort etiquette, it is time for you meet the lady of your dreams!
We'll arrive within 40 minutes or less than that depending on the situation of the traffic at that time and your location.
A visit to your hotel will require the following information:
Your Full Name ( The name your hotel room is booked under)
Your Room Number
The Hotel Address
Ensure that you provide the correct information prior to your appointment.
Gratuities are never expected, but for if you would like to surprise with a gift then please feel free to ask or get inspiration from wish list.